These components are added in different proportions to achieve the most optimal glazing agent for a product.
This will trigger the guns in the most optimal position to fire back.
Its ratio of user-friendliness to artistic significance may be the most optimal in the world.
She also found enough smart people here to package her talent in the most optimal way.
Unlike Elan, he can quickly arrive at an intelligent, although not usually the most optimal, solutions to his problems.
We encourage students to advocate for themselves to create the most optimal academic and social learning environment.
As a result, duodecimal is sometimes considered the most optimal number system.
Once the pen gun theory was offered, it became clear that this scenario accounted for the full body of evidence in the most optimal way.
For a company that targets consumers who love the outdoors, the most optimal use of resources became a leading business driver, beginning in 2007.
"I understand your desire to utilize this unit in a manner most optimal."