This is the most phenomenal bull market ever, and the Internet stocks show there are some real excesses.
"Aye, therein is it most phenomenal."
One of the 20th century's most phenomenal singers, he was blessed with a rare combination of talent, looks, and magnetic charm.
On every side were fresh wonders, too many to assimilate; in all it was a display of the most phenomenal magic Bink had seen.
Tót may well have possessed the most phenomenal painter talent among artists living East of Amsterdam.
Mr. Ebbers's name will forever be linked to one of the most phenomenal roller coaster rides in corporate history.
Oil was also found in parts of Washington Township, including a well that was thought to be "the most phenomenal well ever drilled in America".
Which brings us to perhaps the most phenomenal yearly stats I have ever had the pleasure of analysing.
Picard found himself having to admit that Trelane's presence might be one of the most phenomenal scientific finds in quite some time.
Winfield has opened the season in the most phenomenal manner.