Plaxy was feeling that persons were the most real of all things.
Then, we were certainly not supermen, but men, in the most real and complete sense in the world.
"For me, the things that are the most real are the ones I invented."
Al was the nicest and most real person I have ever known.
In that moment she seemed the most real being Caeled had ever seen.
The things that seem most real could actually be literal fabrications - and very deadly indeed.
He tried, but failed, to block a section of the measure that abolished most real estate tax shelters.
He was now standing in a small crowd of himself, arguing loudly over which was the original, or at least the most real.
"Who do you think does the most real harm?"
What's most real to him is an inner world in which memory and fantasy have merged into a beautiful, frozen "no man's land."