Morga Sagra is a most sagacious girl; she was cut out by nature for intrigue, treason, and espionage.
They were most sagacious in every thing, particularly so in all duties connected with duck-shooting.
I never shall forget the Delusion, which seized our best and most sagacious Friends the dear Inhabitants of Boston, the Winter before last.
It is such, perhaps, as would commend itself as most plausible to the most sagacious minds, but it was insufficient to impart conviction to us.
Now the Python is barred from the Oracle's cave, but it is a most sagacious reptile and would do anything to return.
Morgan, whose team was valiant but still couldn't win a game from the Oaklands in the playoffs, said the most sagacious thing he could under the circumstances.
The phrase is one of those phrases with which everyone is familiar, of which everyone acknowledges the value, and which only the most sagacious put into practice.
Dunstan, Abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, was one of the most sagacious of these monks.
Three or four years ago, the most sagacious analysts in the country were dismissing Le Pen as an evanescent figure on the margins of French political life.
However, the whole thing is an enigma and would puzzle the most sagacious head.