At its most saintly the religious life offered a much more functional view.
Alciato credits the most saintly and learned Ambrose for his account.
"Evidence tells us very clearly, even the most saintly C.E.O.'s were involved" in such accounting because of market pressure.
Castro hopes for a PR coup: If the world's most saintly man will deal with Cuba, why won't the United States?
In 1680, the Portuguese founded the Colônia do Santíssimo Sacramento (Colony of the most Saintly Sacrament), the first European settlement on the river's eastern bank.
Prof smiled most saintly smile and made effort to spread thin hands before letting them fall to coverlet.
Keble was one of the most saintly and unselfish men who ever adorned the Church of England, and, though personally shy and retiring, exercised a vast spiritual influence upon his generation.
It was unpleasant to think that the most saintly of hearts can be poisoned by envy.
These were books populated by snivelers and goody-two-shoes, the most saintly of whom were sure to die in some tediously drawn-out scene.
Even the most saintly of people would drift towards complacency and arrogance after such a long period.