The cell rang and Kelly put on her most sarcastic voice.
Bittrich is also reported to have been the most sarcastic man in Germany.
She is the most sarcastic of the group.
Everyone knew that the remarks about Latin on Snubby's report were most sarcastic.
He is the most sarcastic and dangerous of the Toxic Pirates.
"Is it," pursued the stranger in his most sarcastic and suspicious manner, "the printed paper you have just been reading from?"
Jeremy wanted to say, Gee, thanks in his most sarcastic voice but thought better of it.
North asked through the most sarcastic expression he could manage.
"Your assurance is not sufficient to allay my fears," Roger said in his most sarcastic fashion.
He drawled the last word out in his father's most sarcastic style, then took hold of his temper.