Sad to say, the A&E film isn't the most scintillating version of the story ever told.
Beyond tunnel were stars, the most scintillating stars ever imagined.
It is one of the most scintillating games of recent years.
Rebecca was apparently at her most scintillating - brilliant talker as she has the reputation of being.
Coming off a 43-point demolition of Indiana in Game 1, he again saved his most scintillating play for the end.
And while hardly the most scintillating set of political themes ever developed, it allowed him to sidestep other issues, particularly abortion.
At the moment, the mayoral campaign may not go down in the books as the most scintillating.
It was Sprewell, using all his savvy, desire and experience to counter the most scintillating young player in the game.
Blaylock finished the first half with 10 points, but it was his defense that was most scintillating.
The most scintillating aspect of the solitary hotel stay is the quiet.