The second line was thrown to a lancer less than five yards from Secca, who immediately ran forward toward the most seaward bollard and lashed the line there.
They were only several dragon lengths from the most seaward of the great crags.
In one place only, at the most seaward point, was there a slight ripple.
The most seaward guns were placed in Battery Wagner (often referred to in Union accounts as Fort Wagner) and Battery Gregg, both on Morris Island.
The most seaward contained a hearth, and the central building contained a furnace or oven.
The most seaward of the South Carolina Sea Islands, Fripp Island (often shortened to "Fripp") is renowned for its resort amenities and natural conservation.
The island is the most seaward of the Sea Islands and forms a de facto cape.
The farthest tongue of fluid broke against the lander's most seaward leg.
Nicholas was screaming now, and every wave reached farther up the beach than the last, so that the bases of the most seaward palms were awash.
The most seaward point they could reach to attach the tackle was the trireme's bow.