This is the most self-centered sport," she said, "and I don't mean that in a negative way.
John Valentine was the most self-centered man I ever knew.
She's the single most self-centered person I've run into in politics-it's all about her.
He is the most self-centered person I know.
Mark was one of the most self-centered people I've ever met, one of these beautiful creatures, narcissistic as hell.
You don't need God or anyone else-no credit to you, unless it is a credit to be the most self-centered person alive.
Being the most self-centered person in this manga, his own safety comes before anyone else's, he often sacrifices his "friends" for his cause.
You, Blair Simpson, are the most self-centered person I've ever known.
"You are without a doubt the most self-centered man who ever drew breath."