They also have the player with perhaps the most serendipitous story in college basketball.
But the most serendipitous aspect of the CPS program-for the sake of a study, at least-is how the school-choice game was played.
Among the most serendipitous discoveries that the Nimbus missions made possible was that of a gaping hole in the sea ice around Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere winters of 1974-76.
Sonia Delaunay began her career as a designer and artist in the most serendipitous of ways.
Our skimmer arrived at a most serendipitous moment.
THE most serendipitous move David and Penny Handorf ever made, as far as they are concerned, was buying a house 25 years ago in San Jose, Calif.
"The most serendipitous event in my life was my meeting with Rhett Cone."
One of my most serendipitous picks was the pirogi, so tender and light it was almost impossible to differentiate between wrapper and filling.
That had been a most serendipitous event for the Denevans; had the Enterprise not already been en route, the entire colony surely would have perished.
But the system appears during its brief life to have led what was undeniably the most serendipitous event in William Minor's otherwise melancholy life.