The crew, often given to boisterous joking, was most somber on Sunday, he and others said.
"Zanovar is lost," he began in the most somber of tones, his tenor voice carrying over the speaker system.
Offering anyone his well-worn toys, Danny always drew a smile on even the most somber of faces.
Although there had always been a dark streak of determinism in his work, these two late works were to be his most somber and pessimistic.
Bertrand affected his most somber expression as he rose from his chair.
She had therefore put on the most somber of mourning robes.
He dropped his voice to its deepest and most somber note, dragging her reluctant attention back to him.
There is something here to amuse even the most somber of visitors; if you don't break out laughing at least a few times, you're probably dead.
Ironically, he has come up with his most somber musical since "Sweeney Todd."
That is arguably the most somber message to emerge from the book.