Here we come to one of the most spellbinding twists of the story.
Yet, somehow, it is the simple household scenes that are the most spellbinding - because you recognize their small, accurate humanity.
And though they liked the soaps, they still kept on playing as they occasionally glanced up to see the most spellbinding scenes.
His most spellbinding stories, however, were the miraculous tales of the desert monks.
But, the most spellbinding is the one at the beginning - the idea that anything is possible.
The River Cafe remains one of the most spellbinding settings in this city.
He lost, as did William Jennings Bryan of Nebraska in 1896 after perhaps the most spellbinding of convention speeches.
Just listen to the delicate keyboard parts beneath the wall of guitars on "Angelyn" - easily the band's most spellbinding love song since "Maree".
Reviewing her work, the recording-industry magazine Billboard called her "one of the most spellbinding voices to grace the world music scene."
The finale of the final series is, no exageration, the most spellbinding 5 minutes I have ever seen on screen, and I weigh my words.