Yet the most suspenseful delay and triumph in the show's 73 editions lies just ahead.
The most suspenseful moment of the play has arrived.
At the most suspenseful moment, when it seemed the Communists were going to be annihilated, there was a burst of applause in the cinema.
But the Media Gates are the most suspenseful and loaded with meaning.
But its most suspenseful scene takes place the following morning in a diner.
"What I find most suspenseful now is the relationship between virtual space and real space," he said.
"The final pages are some of the most suspenseful in trial literature."
His remarkable work exposes one of the most suspenseful action I have ever seen on a screen.
The result was one of the most suspenseful scenes in the film, but was not in the original script.
Dibble's defeat was only the most suspenseful sequence of a chain of events in the eighth.