'In fact just the opposite; the most thoroughgoing method of detaching her from the 'Star agents is to supply her directly from our stock.
He was the most thoroughgoing literary innovator of his time, and these early stories, written for the popular press, show what fed the innovation.
The most thoroughgoing use of this system can be found in his 2009 composition Odna Zhizn.
Mansion and outbuildings disappeared, and not even the most thoroughgoing spy-ray search revealed the presence of anything animate or structural where those buildings had been.
The sociologist Scheff is probably the social scientist who has attempted the most thoroughgoing analysis of catharsis in social life.
For all of their boasted unions and high labor ideals, they are about the most thoroughgoing scabs on the planet.
But the Swiss are also the world's most thoroughgoing democrats.
This was the most thoroughgoing and remarkable of all the reforms which followed Emancipation, promising a giant stride towards security under the law.
But Minimalism in the most thoroughgoing sense meant more than just extreme formal economy.
His textbook, Understanding Music, is perhaps the most thoroughgoing text on music appreciation in the English language.