Until recently, marketing's most highly touted innovations - the focus group and the questionnaire - had managed to escape a similar fate.
The American League team instead chose one of the most highly touted position players to emerge from high school in years.
Pie is also one of the most highly touted Dominican prospects to reach the major leagues.
The most highly touted wideout to come out of .
Of the many services offered at salons, one of the most highly touted is the wrap.
And truth to tell, the question lingered through half a dozen meals at some of London's most highly touted restaurants.
Wang started playing tennis at age seven and quickly emerged as one of Asia's most highly touted junior players.
The most touted change is the arrival of a new chef and menu.
The recent sharp drops in the crime rates have been the Giuliani administration's most touted successes.
Postwar America is among art history's most touted periods, and with reason.