The most trenchant technical criticism of central economic planning was that the planners couldn't know enough to see into the future.
These speeches were most trenchant during the early Reagan years, when Moynihan found his voice in opposition.
The most trenchant critiques of "speed reading" emerge, directly or indirectly, from the strongest readers.
Perhaps the play's most trenchant and frustrating insight is how ultimately unknowable the answers are.
Then each touched on what he believes is the most trenchant part of their jobs.
One of her most trenchant entries deals with the many ways online communities remember those who have died.
And the most trenchant example is bringing someone into your home to care for your children.
Its film may be the most astonishing and its historical perspective the most trenchant in the entire series.
Yet some of his most trenchant observations concern larger esthetic questions.
That title has something to do with the two works that make the most trenchant social comments.