It may seem odd, however, for Miami to celebrate at the most tumultuous point of its season.
These years would prove to be the most tumultuous of the franchise's history so far.
She took over the 30-year-old agency at perhaps the most tumultuous time in its history.
I politics and social policy, the absence of controversy sometimes tells us much more about our world than the most tumultuous public debate.
The opening was the most tumultuous since the consolidation of schools in 1898, officials acknowledged.
One participant later called it "the most tumultuous evening" in the history of Hollywood.
We've had the most tumultuous year ever in corporate America.
The 1876 campaign was the "most tumultuous in South Carolina's history."
This has been one of the most tumultuous weeks in recent Giants history.
We have just had the most tumultuous council meeting I can remember.