But when Izzy Halpern died last week at the age of 88, he did so in a most uncharacteristic way: quietly.
They had obviously witnessed his most uncharacteristic outburst.
She hugged him in a most uncharacteristic gush of joy.
Coyote's asymmetrical face clenched into a most uncharacteristic expression of worry, even fear.
O'Mara gives you a clean bill of mental and physical health, and he said that your behavior was most uncharacteristic.
So it's most uncharacteristic of me to admit that I really love the idea of having a theater named for me.
Konev drew a deep breath and said with a softness that was most uncharacteristic of him, "Very well, then, let us concentrate."
Lincoln smiled; but this did not in any way mitigate what Chase could plainly see was a most uncharacteristic rage.
"Go look," Lytol said with a most uncharacteristic grin of pleased malice.
It was most uncharacteristic of the Grand Duke to barge in without calling ahead first.