Deserved or not, he must now think her the most ungrateful wretch in nature.
You will cause us, by your refusal, a great deal of time and trouble and we'll be most ungrateful to you.
You were a most ungrateful pup, Unless for Buzz you voted.
'It would be most ungrateful of Titus,' he said.
And if at the end she does not love me she will be a most ungrateful creature.
Backing away a few steps, she spoke in dreary reproach: "You are the most ungrateful of children.
Britain, as a nation, is, in my inmost belief, the greatest and most ungrateful offender against God on the face of the whole earth.
I consider you the most ungrateful wretch I ever had to deal with!
Or are these the most ungrateful quibbles in massage history?