Last year, there were some of the most unorthodox hiring practices I have ever seen.
"All in all, some of the most unorthodox diplomacy I've ever seen."
Her quirky way of seeing ordinary things may have resulted from a most unorthodox childhood.
Many had not, and each evening saw Jamie conducting military drills and practice, though of a most unorthodox sort.
A couple of hours later, Barkley left the court in a most unorthodox and ugly way.
He further analysed his service game and found it be most unorthodox.
He drafted a plan for the new library whose most unorthodox feature was the location of the main reading room.
But he is quite possibly the most unorthodox Jew in the history of the shmatte business.
Hasek has taken that ability to contort himself and created the game's most unorthodox, most effective style.
Became the series' most unorthodox top dog.