They're dealing with some of the most unsavory and vicious criminals there are, people who face long jail time if they're caught selling drugs.
Finally Cranston turned a page that brought to light the most unsavory set of all.
In fact, they looked rather more like monsters and demons of the most unsavory kind.
And instead of ducking hip-hop's most unsavory elements, the film puts them front and center.
Lond, how- ever, knew it to be a meeting place of the most unsavory of a bad group of men.
For Marion Nestle, the most unsavory would probably be "processed foods."
You and your friend here bear a most unsavory reputation.
In fact, Solondz compels us to collude with even his most unsavory characters.
Lynch doesn't censor his most unsavory fantasies; they go right up there on the screen.
Tung, Miles decided, had a most unsavory chuckle.