Then, abruptly, with no warning, and under circumstances that would have startled the most robust and affrayed the most valorous, we came upon our quarry.
Among the thousand warriors that compose a Space Marine Chapter, only the hundred most valorous and gifted brothers are deemed worthy enough of this honour.
Of course I will, dear lady," the old priest replied; "nothing could make me happier than to let the whole world hear, if it were possible, the story of one of the most valorous deeds ever accomplished on this earth.
In New York, as in almost no other city, the Police Department dominates the Fire Department in handling emergencies and rescues, among the most valorous municipal work there is.
The Lord Ralibar Vooz, high magistrate of Commoriom and third cousin to King Homquat, had gone forth with six-and-twenty of his most valorous retainers in quest of such game as was afforded by the black Eiglophian Mountains.
And even the most righteous, the strongest and most valorous.
As a onetime B-24 pilot in World War II, the soft-spoken academic could have boasted of the most valorous military service of any recent candidate, the documentary says.
This honour is noted in his service record now held at the Public Record Office, with the words: "The most valorous NCO at the battle of Waterloo selected by the Duke of Wellington."
They have also provided mercenary forces and considered most valorous by local kings in India and Sri Lanka.
That was their leader, Sir Williams Glasdale, a most valorous knight.