The most visionary enthusiast would scarce be capable of proposing such a measure with any serious hopes at least of its ever being adopted.
Last year, she seconded his nomination for Speaker, calling him "the most visionary thinker in politics today."
It is a wake-up call from one of the genre's most visionary masters.
Even the most visionary of developers will find it hard to take credit for that.
The army considered him one of its most visionary thinkers.
A pity that Men have developed into such a shortsighted people, for once they were the most visionary of the races.
Records like this one make him the most visionary and brilliant electric guitarist in a generation".
But in following his own path, Mr. Veloso has become one of the world's most visionary songwriters.
Mike is the most visionary and most marketable.
If the cable strategy works well, he will become known as one of the most visionary and dynamic executives of his day.