Some critics lambasted him in the most vitriolic terms for advocating methadone; they described the program as an enslavement of minorities.
They note that of the nation's 100,000 imams, a few hundred of the most vitriolic ones have been dismissed by the government in recent months.
James, this is just about the most vitriolic letter I have ever read.
When "Rage" is replaced with "Ideas" I might be prepared to accept it but there's precious little policy in the most vitriolic invective from either side.
Reg and I were most vitriolic about the risk to which we had been exposed and hoped that the Germans would be just as inefficient.
Knight told reporters that the student is the stepson of what he termed his "most vitriolic critic."
Mr. Makashov has been one of the most vitriolic leaders of the anti-Semitic crusade.
Yet it is hard not to admire these terse, highly polished essays, even at their most vitriolic.
This legal limbo is seen by the most vitriolic critics as license to treat the immigrants as an infestation.
The debate that followed was one of the most vitriolic in France's political history.