Sometimes they will make dramatic choices out of pain rather than attempting to find the most workable solutions.
The idea is to get the most workable solutions.
Having someone amble by your house a couple of times a century might be the most workable solution.
Most companies are still looking for the most workable mix of centralized and decentralized operations.
Our old analogy of the fire remains the most workable one.
We interpret what we see, select the most workable of the multiple choices.
Both Carole and Susan agree that the above proposal appears to them to be the most workable.
The officials overseeing the umpires, however, will talk to the umpires in an attempt to put together the most workable crews.
In my view the Commission's proposal is broadly acceptable and the most workable approach.
Master craftsmen have christened it the most workable of woods, because of its pliancy and strength.