We, that is our most worshipful Mayor and his associates, are determined to see an end to this plague of smuggling.
Spectators' most worshipful sentiments yesterday were reserved for the weather, which was sunny and crisp - parade perfect.
Silence for his most worshipful the Mayor of Taunton!
As to my message, it was that his most worshipful the Mayor did desire to have word with you and your captains in the town-hall.
Behold, then, most worshipful, how these doctors and learned men argue, even like the philosophers of the heathen whom thou didst confound.
Kevin Davies of New Release Tuesday called this "one of the most worshipful, challenging and introspective albums".
O My most worshipful lord, an't please your Grace, I am a poor widow of Eastcheap, and he is arrested at my suit.
And what accites your most worshipful thought to think so?
On hand to introduce "Threshold" to a potentially receptive demographic, the show's producers also came face to face with some of their most worshipful admirers.
'The holiest, most worshipful object that ever was known,' declared the archbishop.