The most crucial issue for the provisional government, and also for Americans doing business here, is the restoration of tariff preferences known as most-favored-nation treatment.
The trade benefits make up what is known as most-favored-nation treatment, which the United States accords to most of its trading partners.
Moreover, China is to grant Japan most-favored-nation treatment.
The joint declaration was accompanied by a trade protocol that granted reciprocal most-favored-nation treatment and provided for the development of trade.
For these reasons, simply extending most-favored-nation treatment would be a grave mistake.
On balance, the arguments favor extension of most-favored-nation treatment - if imbedded in a larger package.
Although Google says its purchase of Motorola will not grant it most-favored-nation treatment, don't be surprised if few believe this.
Now, most-favored-nation treatment gives China the main benefit of joining - low tariffs on its goods - but none of the responsibilities.
Lithuania has enjoyed most-favored-nation treatment with the United States since December 1991.
The Soviet Union has made gaining most-favored-nation treatment a point of honor through the years.