The authorities have attributed the blasts to Dawood Ibrahim, India's most-wanted man.
Some of Israel's most-wanted men have sought sanctuary in the church, and carried their weapons there.
He was a petty criminal who rose in status in Mumbai's underworld to be India's most-wanted man.
You're the most-wanted man in the galaxy, not excepting Kimball Kinnison.
It now seems that the world's most-wanted man was instead in Abbottabad in 2007, right at the moment I visited.
In an unprecedented move, the names and even the pictures of the kingdom's 26 most-wanted men, 18 of whom are still at large, were widely distributed.
Nettleton wondered why the most-wanted man in the West would apply for a job under a fake name and use accurate information on the application.
The cops sure as hell would not hesitate to open fire on this most-wanted man in the country.
Mr. Namangani, 32, spent the past year as Uzbekistan's most-wanted man.
But on her office wall in The Hague, there are pictures of the three most-wanted men in the Balkans.