Pregnancy usually takes 38-41 days but can be extended significantly if the mother is still breastfeeding the previous brood.
The initiative is a global effort for improving the role of maternity services to enable mothers to breastfeed babies for the best start in life.
Many infants in Africa suffer from malnutrition because their mothers do not breastfeed them.
Why the horror when mothers breastfeed in public?
What are you doing to assist mothers to exclusively breastfeed their infants in very difficult circumstance??
This same effect is unlikely to happen in human babies, especially if their mothers breastfeed for at least one month after the birth.
If she is ambivalent, she can be reassured that some mothers breastfeed into the child's third year of life with no adverse consequences.
For the first month of the baby's life, the mother must stay very close and "breastfeed the newborn on its slightest demand."
Most US states now have laws that allow a mother to breastfeed her baby anywhere she is allowed to be.
The rate of disease is substantially lower for children whose mothers breastfeed them.