Though her mother disliked him the custom of hospitality was too strict to allow any self-expression or unpleasantness.
Personal preferences, beliefs, and experiences: The mother may dislike breast-feeding or think it inconvenient.
Eventually, she admitted that she had been out with her boyfriend, whom her mother disliked.
Carolina explains that her mother disliked goodbyes because the person wasn't really gone, they just weren't there right now.
And my mother and I disliked and mistrusted each other for a long time.
She had known, since she was twelve, why her mother disliked her, condemned her.
"My mother particularly disliked the term 'wog,'" said Adele austerely.
His mother disliked the marriage, partly because she did not get along with her brother, Lesley's father Aubrey.
He also knew that his mother cared little for him and disliked his match with the Gnovii.
She names people her mother disliked as witches, and the elders of Salem believe them.