The mother of a student injured in the shooting committed suicide on Friday.
Ten months ago his parents were in a traffic crack-up, his father killed, his mother badly injured.
The young teenager suffered from survivor's guilt, as her stepfather and younger half-sister had been killed, and her mother grievously injured while she had been spared.
A 16-month-old girl was killed and her mother was critically injured when the mother drove a car into the Delaware River on Saturday night, the police said yesterday.
Nearby, Mr. Williams's ailing grandmother was killed and his mother, who had been caring for her, was critically injured when their house, too, was obliterated.
Hikaru is hospitalized after his mother accidentally injures him during a heated argument.
A 10-year-old boy and his 2-year-old sister were killed and their mother was critically injured when an electrical fire tore through their Bronx row house early yesterday, the authorities said.
It is revealed that his mother gravely injured Jin-Seong by accident while she was trying to chop down the tree.
His mother injured her back and Morceli sustained cuts and bruises and required stitches in his head.
Shortly after that, Deyci's mother injured her back and had to leave her job as a nurse.