His mother grapples with the terrible question - nature or nurture: what made her son a monster?
These mothers nurture and develop their children into being functional members of society- hard work that is not motivated by monetary gain.
The mothers never nurture their young, no matter how many litters they bear.
She had fed a calf that way once, when its mother had died, and had even nurtured a young hawk.
As in lifegiver-the way a mother nurtures her child and keeps it alive.
The "many mothers of life," it was said, were "polite, always nurturing."
Durrell's mother moved into the manor and nurtured some of the more delicate specimens.
From the time her son is born till the time he becomes an adult, his mother nurtures him and looks after his every need.
Lee's mother nurtured hopes that he would become a minister.
The mothers nurture and protect them until they leave the nest.