Holey is devastated by news from Australia that his mother and girlfriend have both perished in a car accident.
They had seen a huge percentage of babies die at birth, and many times their mothers perished as well.
It is a simple house from which his family was deported to Auschwitz, where his mother and youngest sister perished.
A young boy was rescued from one of these vehicles, but his mother and sister perished.
The victim had run into a burning building to save her child, who'd survived, though the mother had perished.
A mother and father and five young daughters perish, a Pakistani family consumed.
There was no way she could have known that her mother perished in that fire, too!
One of these places, where ten young mothers perished in succession, was called the House of Crime.
His mother as well as one of his sisters also perished during the Holocaust.
My mother and youngest brother perished there, my father in Majdanek.