In this film, the protagonist's mother searched for her son.
A young mother is searching her lost son in dangerous magic wood while history of mankind is coming to an end.
Single mothers will search in vain for help, and more of the elderly will go without hot meals.
I tell this worried boy that his mother, who just celebrated her 50th birthday, is probably searching for a suitable style in which to grow old.
His mother would be searching for him soon, and he had homework waiting to be done.
More mothers searched the desert for bodies for 28 years, until 2002.
Her mother searched through her bag and found a purse with loose change.
Returning to the video games, Adam's mother searched frantically for her son who was nowhere to be found.
Charles Stowe, her son, later wrote that his mother searched for higher purpose in everything she did, from growing potatoes to writing.
At the hospital, anxious mothers searched for their sons.