Their mother, Ruby Dandridge, voices the Wicked Queen.
Some mothers who have started to join the city's expanding workfare program voiced a notable level of support and optimism for the idea.
Mr. Johnson's mother, Joretta, has consistently voiced her opposition to the death penalty, often as the lone dissenter among the victims' relatives.
The headpiece had its own mask, all fashioned from black feathers, and she hoped her mother wouldn't voice disapproval, as she usually did over the choices Elizabeth made.
Beryl's mother, (Sheila Fay), voiced the critical view: "Man is the dog, and woman is the bone.
Single mothers voiced a common hope that their children would find strength in the growing family diversity in American society.
Her mother, who had seven bairns, four of which survived childbirth, had always voiced contempt for such behavior.
He left the courthouse without speaking, but his mother, who spent 22 months in jail before being released on bail in January 1986, voiced bitterness at the prosecution.
Mrs. Burgin of Philadelphia said her mother voiced similar concerns about the name her grandson would be given.