The last of his line, Thomas left two motherless daughters who would share the inheritance of their father.
Yet even in the stress of such a moment a tender light stole into his eyes as they rested upon his motherless daughter.
Yeh-Shen's mother died while she was still a baby, so Wu did all he could to raise his motherless daughter.
Faced with the responsibility of raising a motherless daughter, he saw the plight of other destitute children living on the streets.
A troubled debutante's arrival at a Lowcountry plantation disrupts the world of the owner's motherless 12-year-old daughter.
Unfortunately, Hugh's first wife died in a horse carriage that was overturned in the mansion's driveway, leaving his two young daughters motherless.
He wasn't the sort who talked down to anyone, far less to his motherless daughter, and he'd always emphasized how important it was to actually listen to anything she heard.
"Your cousin Henry," Sir Edward said shortly; and, "My motherless daughter, Elizabeth."
In revenge, Emmanuel kidnaps Lydia, motherless daughter of Brutus, and takes her to Ezra.
I know your kind nature, and I know you can love a fatherless child as deeply as I love my motherless daughter.