Wrapped in Beatrice's motherly arms, the pain of it all crashed over her.
She came into my narrower bunk, all sympathy and gentle comfort, motherly arms to cradle the trembling sufferer.
The effect was deliberate - Bernini described the colonnades as representing 'the motherly arms of the church'.
The round face brightened, and a motherly arm slipped around Adelia's waist.
She put a motherly arm around her shoulder, and the whole story, except the part about being almost certain she was pregnant, came spilling out.
We arrived before most of the others, and Miriam took me aside with a motherly arm around my shoulder.
She whimpered as Major Krushenko helped her, with a motherly arm, to one of her powder rooms.
Amelia wrapped her motherly arms round her shivering niece.
But now with those motherly arms round her, she felt free to let her sorrow and anxiety have free rein.
The square's creator, Bernini, described the double colonnade as 'the motherly arms of the church'.