Alfred Graefe was known for his work with ocular motility disorders, particularly strabismus.
Support and education for persons affected by digestive motility disorders.
Find inflamed areas of the intestine, malabsorption syndrome, or problems with the squeezing motion that moves food through the intestines (motility disorders).
Twenty two had severe lifelong constipation and eight had symptoms suggesting a motility disorder exclusively of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Although irritable bowel syndrome is commonly believed to be a colonic motility disorder, the evidence supporting this hypothesis is inconsistent.
A motility disorder?
Slowed movement of food through the intestines (motility disorders).
Itopride was shown to significantly improve symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia and motility disorders in placebo-controlled trials.
A malfunction of any of these leads to intestinal motility disorders.
It is thought to result from motility disorders of the esophagus.