With some luck, you might even be able to find a motivated seller who's willing to work with you on a rent-to-own arrangement.
Aspen does have some motivated sellers.
Like any motivated seller, he has lowered his price, to $6.25 million from $7.5 million.
There was nothing the Si Doak valued more than a motivated seller.
He has placed his Southampton home on the market at $3.5 million - a price indicating a motivated seller.
"Situations," she whispered with a grin; they tend to create motivated sellers.
But it clearly is getting the exchange from a motivated seller that wanted to get out, and to do so as quickly as possible.
I usually try to find a motivated seller, one who offers a building with an asking price that's just a drop under the market.
You'll find motivated sellers who are tired of their equipment.
In the playground of the rich, motivated sellers are on the rise, house prices are falling and sales are at a standstill.