She was a very motivated, hard worker.
Korea had comparative advantage in these industries which absorbed well educated and highly motivated workers at low wages.
Rocco Damato, chief executive of Bazzini, said that besides getting highly motivated workers, he also qualifies for tax credits for hiring local people.
But wages are rising in Eastern Europe, particularly for Western companies that are paying for the most motivated and skilled workers.
For example, if a production line produced 1000 books per hour, lateral thinking may suggest that a drop in output to 800 would lead to higher quality, more motivated workers etc. etc.
As Stryker sees it, sick days are a measure of morale because motivated workers show up even when they are ill.
The most motivated workers are those whose personal goals are congruent with the company's goals.
Happier, more motivated workers, have produced more contented passengers in an industry not known for pleasing its customers.
"There's never been a better time to find more motivated workers, to find safe neighborhoods to work and live in, or clean parks to play in," he says.
Properly motivated workers are important to Service Machine.