Like Miyuki, her motivations (misguided but genuine affection for Aya) are revealed in episode 30.
Although the dramatic motivation for events was never revealed, the choreography and the dancers suggested that everything was happening for some reason.
It is obvious and laughable, especially when Frank's motivation is revealed.
The killer's motivations are never revealed, a choice that in comparison to other recent horror films is a smart one.
Her identity, abilities, and motivations were never revealed.
His motivation will be revealed at trial.
Rowling was less forthcoming about Snape than she was for other characters, because his true loyalties and motivations were not revealed until the final book.
Before the start of the season, the Heisman campaign for Kane picks up speed and the players' individual motivations for playing football is revealed.
Through the understanding of the motivational framework, which is individually developed since early childhood, a person's often conflicting motivations can be revealed and analysed.
Once the hijacker's character has been defined, his motivations are eventually revealed and the repeated as a choir all along the song: