Only recently has the study of motivational processes been extended to integrate biological drives and emotional states in the explanation of purposeful behaviour in human beings.
Due to its damaging repercussions, this technique has only been used on animals, but it has shed a lot of light on basic emotional and motivational processes.
For example, a number of explanations center on motivational processes.
McClelland's thinking was influenced by the pioneering work of Henry Murray who first identified underlying psychological human needs and motivational processes (1938).
The outcomes or consequences of those cognitive and motivational processes then changes an individual's attitude to be more positive toward the outgroup.
Psychological research increasingly suggests that ideologies reflect (unconscious) motivational processes, as opposed to the view that political convictions always reflect independent and unbiased thinking.
Public health agencies can provide a resource for materials and motivational processes.
Some researchers suggest that unconscious emotional and motivational processes are potentially just as important as cognitive and memory problems.
Presumably, these cue-specific reactions reflect motivational processes responsible for continuing drug use as well as relapse for people with an addiction attempting to remain abstinent.
Motivation: Coaches also give pep talks, recognizing the importance of motivational processes to learning.