The terms drive theory and drive reduction theory refer to a diverse set of motivational theories in psychology.
In terms of explaining reasons for which individuals join terrorist groups, motivational theories such as need for power and need for affiliation intimacy are suggested.
Solomon developed a motivational theory based on opponent processes.
A number of motivational theories emphasize the distinction between conscious and unconscious motivations.
The summer program is an outgrowth of training in motivational theories and methods given to about 15 teachers and administrators from the students' school districts.
Some motivational theories suggest that the boredom and alienation caused by the division of labour can actually cause efficiency to fall.
However, because of the tunnel vision focus created by goal-setting theory, several studies have shown this motivational theory may not be applicable in all situations.
Douglas McGregor proposed two different motivational theories.
Balance Theory is a motivational theory of attitude change, proposed by Fritz Heider.
At times, when he talks about motivational theory, say, or informational innovation, Gore sounds more like a far-out visionary than a politician.