The police said all possible motives, including reports of a feud among the immigrants, remained under examination.
The motive for her killing remains a mystery, though few doubt it was related to her work.
His true motives usually remain masked, and whether he is honorable or evil depends on the audience's perspective.
The motives of such an ascent have remained unclear.
Decades of academic examination later, his own motives remain far from clear-cut.
He said that the motive remained murky but added that the killings did not appear to be related to drugs or gang activity.
Though the assassination came in the wake of student protests and pro-democracy agitation, the killer's political motives have remained a bit opaque.
But motives to get labour cheaply still remain (and always will).
The expression of status generalization is salient in everyday life, but motives have remained relatively ambiguous.
Pond never said so; and his motive remained rather a mystery.