Further applications is in motor disorders.
The Vaughts attended with their 7-year-old son, Daniel, who has a motor disorder that prevents him from walking.
Tangolates originated in 2004 in a public hospital for patients with motor disorders.
This idea of "whole" underpins the system from which Pető thought that children with motor disorders would benefit.
Patients with motor disorders such as Parkinson's disease draw spirals.
Type 2 is when the patient exhibits a sensory based motor disorder.
Treatment for dysgraphia varies and may include treatment for motor disorders to help control writing movements.
Dystonia is another motor disorder that presents sensorimotor integration abnormalities.
This typically involves symptomatic treatments that are frequently used in many lower motor disorders.
That means that one child in every 10 either suffers from motor disorders, cannot express their thoughts or cannot do so clearly.