In addition, they may show oscillatory responses to perceptual input or motor output.
These ongoing rhythms can change in different ways in response to perceptual input or motor output.
These oscillations are also observed in motor output of physiological tremor and when performing slow finger movements.
Single-ratio transmissions also exist, which simply change the speed and torque (and sometimes direction) of motor output.
Motor imagery is a process by which a specific action is mimicked in the working memory without a corresponding motor output.
Specific techniques include joint compression and stretching to provide sensory-motor input and to guide motor output.
Thus the net effect of dopamine depletion is to produce hypokinesia, an overall reduction in motor output.
In operation, the 522H's 450mm blade is moving back and forth at 1,700rpm, slightly faster than most d-i-y ranges, thanks to the high motor output.
Evoked activity is brain activity that is the result of a task, sensory input or motor output.
This suggests that these neurons are producing a corollary discharge, which would allow for direct comparison of motor output and auditory input.