He used non-functional modal writing, pandiatonicism, and motor rhythms extensively.
In formal terms, they are hyperactive, with a sense of motor rhythm and perfectly orchestrated gesture that never lets up.
Some highly dissonant pre-Serial music, like Stravinsky's "Sacre du Printemps" or Bartok's "Miraculous Mandarin," can give an impression of movement and meaning through sheer motor rhythm.
The finale relies heavily on chromatic scale figures and motor rhythms.
But the ingratiating Irish ditties notable in each are thrown into a disorienting, often dissonant orchestral texture, with fierce motor rhythms churning underneath.
There is a maddening tendency toward unvarying motor rhythms and inane tonic-dominant progressions.
Its rippling surfaces and motor rhythms only gradually reveal a stately minor-key melody from Beethoven's Seventh Symphony.
To the Fifth Symphony's familiar motor rhythms and almost mechanical power, Mr. Levine adds, by turns, touches of buoyancy, mystery and profound internal conflict.
There is also something called sensory motor rhythm, or S.M.R., which is a similar frequency to beta waves.
Sensory motor rhythm governs body sensations and voluntary movement.