With long-lasting radials accounting for 93 percent of new tires, motorists buy fewer replacements.
Some motorists bought gas well in advance of their trips.
Before dedicated filling stations were established, early motorists bought gasoline in cans to fill their tanks.
This is a marketing initiative that's affected the entire market place, changing forever the way private motorists buy cars.
Some motorists are buying regular instead of premium, or using the car only at night or taking public transportation to work.
If the price of gas at the pump were to fall, motorists would buy more gas.
State law now requires motorists to buy at least $250,000 worth of medical coverage, the second-highest amount in the nation, after Michigan.
One option would allow motorists to buy limited coverage for pain and suffering from their own insurers, reducing premiums by about 8 percent.
For instance, motorists with insurethebox buy an initial 6,000 miles of cover and drivers will be assessed on their performance according to five different criteria.
To encourage motorists to buy tokens, the authority offers 10 for $21, a 16 percent discount.