Food sold at motorway services is notoriously expensive.
They stop at a motorway services.
Trish thinks it looks just like any other grotty motorway service, but Arnold tells her not to judge by appearances.
We issued a consultation document on the provision of motorway services on 10 February.
At a little after one of the sunny afternoon clock they stopped at a vast motorway services area thingy.
The police are taking their latest message directly to the driver, with a series of displays at motorway services.
The motorway services opened up a lot of easily accessible land for businesses, allowing large industrial units to be built.
It came into operation after the government deregulated motorway services to encourage more competition and its first site opened in December 2000, at Cambridge.
Bloke at the motorway services said it were all right till I came along.
The leisure division, with the possible exception of motorway services, looks likely to be sold.