The Pakistani government has sought to distract its citizens from mounting domestic problems by fostering grievances over Indian control of the region.
Mounting financial problems in Tokyo are adding to the anxieties unsettling America's stock markets.
The anger came from shareholders who raised a host of questions about the company's mounting legal problems.
The library system is now on the verge of collapse, reeling from budget cuts forced by the city's mounting fiscal problems.
During his second term, Sharif mounted problems with the Supreme Court- an apex judicial authority.
But with Russia's mounting economic problems and the West's waning interest, Mr. Yeltsin's position has become far more difficult.
Later in the 1990s, the focus began to shift towards Argentina's mounting social problems, such as rising homelessness and crime.
The agreement is an important symbolic victory for the Soviet leader, who faces mounting political and economic problems at home.
It contributed to Simtek's mounting financial problems, resulting in the team's closure after Monaco.
The radar was canceled in December 1963, because of mounting technical problems and being considerably over budget.